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Aging in place is more than just a concept; it's about continuing to live in the home you love, surrounded by memories, in a way that's both safe and enjoyable.


I understand the emotional and practical challenges this can entail, especially for those living with dementia.

My consulting service is designed to meet these challenges head-on.


Whether you're concerned about navigating your home as you age or making it a comfortable space for a loved one with dementia, I offer solutions that are realistic and effective.


I take into account not just the physical aspects of design, but also the emotional and psychological comfort that comes from living in a familiar, well-adapted space.

My advice is not one-size-fits-all; it's a thoughtful, empathetic approach to your unique situation. I work closely with you to understand your specific needs and preferences, ensuring that the solutions I provide enhance your quality of life and maintain the essence of what makes your house a home.

Flower Bag
Specialized Dementia Consultation

Living with dementia presents its own set of challenges, which I address with compassion and expertise.


My recommendations include creating a dementia-friendly environment that reduces confusion and enhances ease of navigation.


This might involve strategic use of colors, lighting, and clear, simple layouts.

My goal is to make your living space not just safer, but also more comfortable and soothing for those with cognitive challenges.

Personalized Aging in Place Consultation

My service focuses on providing personalized design advice to ensure your home is a safe, accessible, and comfortable haven.

I understand that each individual's needs are unique, especially when it comes to aging in place.

That's why my approach is tailored to fit your specific lifestyle and preferences.

From identifying potential safety hazards to suggesting ergonomic design tweaks, I cover every detail to ensure your home supports your independence.

Round Wooden Table
Stylist Decorated Living Room
Home assessment

My comprehensive home assessment service is designed to evaluate your living environment to ensure it meets the highest standards of safety, accessibility, and comfort, not just for today, but for the future.

During the assessment, I focus on identifying areas that may present potential risks or challenges as your circumstances change.


This process includes a thorough examination of:

  • Mobility and Accessibility: Ensuring easy access and movement throughout your home, vital for supporting independence in daily activities.

  • Ergonomic Design: Customizing living spaces to reduce strain and increase usability, considering the specific needs of individuals as they age or those living with dementia.

  • Safety Enhancements: Highlighting and mitigating potential hazards to prevent accidents, with a keen eye on creating a secure environment for those with cognitive challenges.

  • Technology Integration: Advising on smart home features that can enhance the living experience, including technologies that support memory, orientation, and daily routines for individuals with dementia.

  • Dementia-Friendly Environments: Assessing the home for your loved one living with dementia. This involves creating spaces that minimize confusion, enhance orientation, and provide visual and other sensory cues to support day-to-day living. Designing for dementia includes careful consideration of lighting, color contrasts, and the removal of unnecessary clutter to create a calm and navigable environment.


Following the assessment, you'll receive a detailed report outlining specific recommendations tailored to make your home a more adaptive and supportive environment.


I'm here to guide you through every step towards creating a space where you can thrive with independence and dignity.

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